About Us

Living God's Word Cleanses the Spirit

Living God's Word means following the teachings of Jesus Christ and striving to live a life that reflects His love and truth. It means seeking to understand and apply the Bible to our daily lives, and making choices that honor God and serve others. It involves spiritual growth, discipleship, and living out the values and principles taught in the Bible, and it brings healing and deliverance to those who are oppressed or possessed by evil spirits. Living God's Word is not always easy, as it often requires us to challenge and change the way we think and behave. Contact us if you want to be closer to God and remember that God is with you every step of the way and is eager to help you grow in your faith and live a life that reflects His love.

Keep in Touch

"The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, and the Sky Above Proclaims His Handiwork." - Psalm 19:1

Thank you for contacting For His Glory Ministries Worldwide. We're happy that you have the same love for God, and we're looking forward to answering your questions and talking to you about our glorious God.